Shisha buying advice - How to find the right hookah for you

Shisha-Kaufberatung - So findest du die passende Wasserpfeife für dich

The shisha market continues to grow and can now boast an enormously large selection. However, this does not make the search for the right shisha any easier. We'll tell you what's important in a high-quality shisha and what factors you should generally pay attention to when buying.

The shisha material – traditional, practical or elegant?

Of course, material and workmanship play an important role. The most common is the combination of a glass bowl and a metal smoke column. But there are also numerous other materials that a shisha can be made of, such as wood, aluminum, carbon or glass. Although wooden shishas are very traditional and beautiful to look at, they are also extremely maintenance-intensive and are therefore more suitable for hookah enthusiasts who are prepared to invest a lot of time in their shisha . With a wooden shisha, like the Dschinni Legend , you should make sure that the wooden elements are covered with corrosion-resistant steel, which means that the smoke does not come into direct contact with the wooden material.

A glass hookah is not only a real eye-catcher because you can watch the smoke move through the hookah, but also has good heat dissipation and is particularly easy to clean. However, beginners in particular should be careful here, as a complete glass hookah is of course not shatterproof. At Dschinni we only use high borosilicate glass 3.3, a glass material that is even used in research and is currently the best on the market.

Aluminum hookahs are slightly cheaper due to the cheaper material. This makes them particularly popular with newcomers who want to try it out for the first time and therefore don't want to shell out quite a lot of money. They are particularly light and very durable thanks to the anodized aluminum that we use at Dschinni.

Recently, carbon elements have been found very frequently in modern hookahs. Carbon owes its popularity to the fact that it is a very robust yet lightweight material. However, real carbon is also expensive, which is why many carbon hookahs only have a carbon look.

The shisha locking system

As a rule, a distinction is made between a plug connection and a screw connection. Screw connections have the advantage that you can easily lift the shisha by the smoke column without it detaching directly from the bowl. A high-quality screw thread is characterized by the fact that it is deburred and finely ground. In addition, the thread should move smoothly and have no sharp edges. At Dschinni we use sliding threads that mesh easily. In addition to the classic screw connections, there are also the more modern click connections, which firmly connect the smoke column to the bowl with the help of a single twist. With plug-in connections, the smoke column is simply plugged into the bowl, which is simple, but does not have the same stability as a screw or click connection. The click closure is particularly used on aluminum shishas, ​​as aluminum is a very light material that deforms more quickly than stainless steel or other metals. Screw threads would therefore wear out very quickly. So when buying an aluminum shisha, make sure that it has a click closure.

Your shisha smoking behavior: occasional smoker or creature of habit?

You should also be clear about your own smoking habits. Do you want a shisha that you can occasionally smoke with friends, do you prefer to smoke alone or are you an outdoor shisha fan? Shishas come in a wide range of sizes and depending on how you want to use them, a larger or smaller model is more suitable for you. In terms of size, shishas range between just 20cm and even up to 2m, although pipes in this size class function more as decoration. A shisha that is this tall has a very large volume, which means that the smoke is no longer well compressed and only reaches the smoker in small quantities. The common models that give you the best smoking experience are between 30cm and 75cm. For shisha lovers who like to smoke with friends, we recommend shishas with a larger volume and multiple hose connections, such as the Dschinni Baba, which allows for a relaxed session of shisha with four connections. If you are looking for a shisha that you can always take outside with you, it is best to look for small, light shishas that are still robust and ideally have a shatterproof bowl made of acrylic glass. For occasional smokers or beginners, smaller shisha models that are slightly cheaper, such as aluminum shishas, ​​are best suited. If you smoke a lot, you should invest in a stainless steel hookah , as it is well suited for long-term use and does not wear out quickly. If you can't quite decide, you'll find the perfect middle ground with the Dschinni Stainless Steel Hybrid series: The combination of stainless steel in the core and high-quality aluminum as the body offers excellent quality at a good price.

Price segment: Cheap entry-level model or Shisha deluxe?

The numerous differences in size and material are reflected in a considerable price range. Everything is represented, from inexpensive entry-level models starting at 20-30 euros up to the four-digit range. High-end shishas, ​​starting at 100 euros, naturally shine with better workmanship and additional features such as 4 hose connections or chamber systems. But you can also find good shishas in the low price segment, which are particularly suitable for beginners or occasional smokers.

Shisha accessories: What else you need

The hookah itself isn't enough; after all, you also need the right accessories. A large part is often already included, but you should purchase other things additionally. It can also be very advisable to buy a shisha set, especially at the beginning. Basic parts such as a hose and a mouthpiece are particularly important, although these are often already included. Even without a tobacco head and an aromatic tobacco of your choice, the pleasure of smoking will obviously not be affected. To heat up your shisha, you will also need charcoal , a charcoal lighter and charcoal tongs with which you can place the charcoal well on the aluminum foil or the bowl attachment. A charcoal basket for storing the glowing coals is also highly recommended for safety reasons. If you like to smoke outside, a windbreak is a huge advantage so that the coal burns evenly outside.

We hope this makes your orientation a little easier. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service so that you can enjoy your shisha session as soon as possible.

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