Why does water come out of the shisha hose?

Water usually enters the hookah hose for two main reasons:

  1. Pulling too hard: If you pull on the hookah too hard, the water from the hookah can be sucked into the hose. This happens because the negative pressure you create when pulling sucks the water out of the bowl through the hose. To prevent this, you should pull more gently and be careful not to create too much pressure.

  2. Condensation: Condensation can form in the hose while smoking. This is because the smoke cools as it travels through the hose and moisture condenses. This condensation can build up and eventually get into the hose. To minimize this, you can try taking shorter puffs and occasionally blowing lightly into the tube to remove moisture.

To prevent water from escaping from the hookah hose, it is important to use the correct technique when pulling and, if necessary, control the condensation.

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